Myths and facts

Myths: COVID-19 vaccine make people sick with COVID-19.

Facts: No. None of COVID-19 vaccine contain live virus that cause infection. Vaccination will not make people sick with COVID-19, but it will protect people from getting sick with COVID-19.

Myths: COVID-19 vaccines are not safe because it was rapidly developed and tested.

Facts: COVID-19 vaccination undergoes various of lab testing and three phases of clinical trials before being authorize for community use. In Malaysia, vaccines received will be tested of third phase of clinical trials by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) before being certified safe for Malaysian community and authorize for distribution throughout the country.

Myths: I do not need to wear mask after I get vaccinated for COVID-19.

Facts: Wearing a mask is a necessary protection since the virus can still be transmitted to others. Plus, it may take time for everyone to get vaccinated and experts are still determining how long vaccination can protect against COVID-19. Therefore, continuing the precaution such as wearing a mask and physical distancing is necessary for the time being.

Myths: Individual who recovered from COVID-19 does not require vaccination.

Facts: No. Individual who recovered from COVID-19 should be vaccinate because experts do not know how long they will be protected from getting recurrent infections.

Myths: COVID-19 vaccine can alter individual DNA.

Facts: COVID-19 vaccine do not change or interact with individual DNA. There are two types of COVID-19 vaccines in international market. The Pfizer-BioNTech that been use in Malaysia is mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines work by telling our cells to make protein that triggers an immune response. The second type of vaccine is a viral vector vaccine which produced by Johnson & Johnson’s. Viral vector vaccine uses a modified version of harmless virus to deliver instruction to our cells to start building protection. Both types of vaccine do not interact with DNA as it works to provide instruction for immunity building.

Myths: There are serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccine and could lead to death.

Facts: There are short-term mild or moderate vaccine reaction when immune system is responding to the vaccine. Common side effects include headache, fatigue, muscle pain and short fever for a day or two. Side effects varies depending on receiver’s background. In addition, some might experience allergies from COVID-19 vaccination. It is advised to seek for immediate treatment after noticing allergic reaction within 24-hour post vaccination.

Myths: COVID-19 vaccine cause infertility or miscarriage.

Facts: No. COVID-19 vaccine does not cause infertility or miscarriage. However, pregnant woman and breastfeeding mother may opt out from getting COVID-19 vaccination due to side effects of the vaccine. People who would like to have baby in future may receive COVID-19 vaccine as there are no evidence that COVID-19 vaccine causing fertility problems side effect.

Reasons Malaysian afraid vaccination

  •          Misconceptions receive from internet or any mass media
            + Common misconception and myths of vaccination on America and European Region

-  A new report by King's College London and Ipsos MORI shows:

·  1 in 3 have been exposed to anti-vax messages about COVID-19 vaccination.

·  Almost half of 16- to 34-year-olds have seen anti-vax messages about the COVID-19 vaccine.

·  1 in 7 believe the COVID-19 vaccine's real purpose is to track and control the population.

·  1 in 11 think Bill Gates is pushing the program to implant us all with microchips, although this rises to 1 in 5 among people who get a lot or a fair amount of their information from social media.

·   2 in 5 do not know whether the COVID-19 vaccine might cause autism in children.

·  3 in 10 are unsure if it will alter their DNA.

  • Afraid of pain and vaccination side effects
  • Influenced by non-medical anti-vaccine group
  • Lack of knowledge and understanding on vaccination
  • Trauma and phobia of needles


Importance of vaccination

  •   Protect individual from current and future infection
  • Contain outbreak of disease by forming herd immunity
  •  Reduce risk of exposure and protect high risk group
  •   Protect healthcare capacity
  •  Tool to reduce infection and stop the pandemic
  • Reduce infection rate and mortality 


COVID-19 Vaccination in Malaysia 

Vaccination Transport and Distribution    





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